Tuesday 23 February 2016

FOOD OF THE WEEK : KALE           P3

Have you bought your Kale this week? Not yet...ok.
Here are some tips on storing and preparing it.
To store, keep it refrigerated in an airtight bag.  It can typically be stored for up to 5 days, note that the flavour increases in bitterness with longer storage. Only wash the kale when you are ready to use it as washing before storage will promote spoilage.
How to Fit Kale Into Your Diet
  • Steam with your favorite vegetables – cook it as you would spinach or cabbage. It is quite a tough green leaf so doesn’t lose it shape or wilt as quickly as spinach. Kale is great in a stir fry too – give it a go.
  • Prepare a raw kale salad - Kale doesn't need to be cooked to be enjoyed. If you slice it into very, very fine ribbons it makes a great salad ingredient.
  • Blend kale to prepare smoothies – here are some ideas. Try blending a portion of Kale leaves with one of these combos:
Pineapple and apple
Banana and orange
Orange and peach
Orange and Kiwi and pear

  • Finally try baking Kale to make Kale chips- throw a few leaves on a baking tray – spray lightly with oil sprinkle with salt and or chilli and bake until crispy. You can throw on some garlic as well for an alternative taste.
Note: Where possible try buying organic Kale to avoid the pesticide load.

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