Sunday 28 February 2016


What is it?
Salt is also called ‘sodium chloride’, it is made up from two naturally occurring parts – sodium and chlorine. Both sodium and chlorine play important physiological functions in the body. However, it is the sodium part of salt that is a concern to health. Current food labels list the salt content of food. 

What does Sodium actually do?
Sodium helps control blood pressure and regulates the function of muscles and nerves, which is why sodium concentrations are carefully controlled by the body.

What is the big deal?
Many of us in the Western world eat too much salt (sodium) this raises blood pressure, which puts people at increased risk of health problems such as heart disease, stroke & kidney  disease. Black people of African descent are particularly sensitive to the effects of too much salt and are therefore at higher risk of associated health conditions such as stroke and renal failure. There is evidence to show that black people of African descent living in the UK are three to four times more likely to have high blood pressure compared to white populations in the UK.

So what?
There is a lot that we can do and should do about it! Stay tuned this week…you could change your life by making small significant changes!

By the way…did you know in days of old, Roman soldiers were paid a salary of salt!

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