Monday 29 February 2016

FOOD OF THE WEEK - SALT         P2                            
SALT : different types & effects on health
Rock and sea salts seem to be all the rage – especially with TV chefs. Consumers are easily mislead by the claims that these salts are ‘natural’, better tasting and containing ‘essential minerals’  - making them better for us than table salt.
 consumer survey in 2011 revealed  that  about 61% of people asked felt that sea salt was much lower in Sodium than table salt.

Do not be deceived! Salt is salt. No matter how expensive salt is, whether it comes in crystals or grains, from the sea or from the Himalayas, a survey showed found they all contain an equally high sodium content as table and cooking salt.
All salts therefore are equally damaging to our health when eaten in excess, don’t be fooled by some of the claims made by salt manufacturers.
Garlic salt and celery salt are also popular alternatives to standard table salt. These products are made predominantly of table, rock or sea salt combined with small amounts of dried garlic or celery. The salt component is still sodium chloride so these too should be limited as with rock and sea salt.
Did you know: Salt is used to remove red wine stains

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