Sunday 21 February 2016

FOOD OF THE WEEK : KALE           P1.       

   What is it? - Dark green leafy vegetable, part of the cabbage family. It has been grown in UK since Roman times. It is available in shades of purple and even a black variety.

   Where does it come from? 
   It grows in the soil like cabbage, spinach and collard greens. It is produced in Britain all year round, most plentiful in late autumn and winter months.

   What is the big deal? 
   Well …. Kale has become very popular over the last 5-6 years. Reported sales in certain outlets in the UK increased by 400% in 2014.  Kale has received much celebrity endorsement. It is relatively inexpensive and has been described as a ‘superfood’ due it’s high nutrient levels – particularly vitamins and minerals. It is low in fat and versatile when it comes to preparation.  

  Other fact – There is a national Kale day – 7th October!

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